15 Stations cast in plaster from clay originals. Commissioned 2023.
The Stations of the Cross traditionally depict the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. This series also includes a “Station of the Resurrection”, to commemorate Jesus rising from the dead, marking the completion of the journey from death to new life.
For the month of March until the 30th, the Stations of the Cross will be on display at The Gallery, London Jesuit Centre, Mount Street, Mayfair.
Chat with the artist 12 – 3pm Sunday 30th March.
farmstreetoffice@rcdow.org.uk 0207 529 4829
Jesus is condemned to death

Jesus is made to bear His cross.

Jesus falls the first time.

Jesus meets His Mother.

Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross.

Veronica wipes Jesus’ face.

Jesus falls the second time.

The women of Jerusalem weep over Jesus.

Jesus falls the third time.

Jesus is stripped of His garments.

Jesus is nailed to the cross.

Jesus dies on the cross.

Jesus’ body is taken down from the cross.

Jesus is laid in the tomb.
